7-Day Ayurvedic Hormone Reset
"I had no idea the impact these little changes would have on my life."
Reen Rose
Over 35 and Feeling Drained? Let's Fix That.

Join the 7-Day Hormone Reset Program, designed to help you start to feel like yourself again in 7 days or less, with simple, daily actions that make the next chapter of your life a whole lot easier.

What's Included:

Symptoms checklists that help you get clear on why you're tired yet not sleeping, dieting yet gaining more weight, waking up with soaked pajamas or feeling super-irritated all the time.

The daily routines that will help you the most (because we cannot nor should we do it all), based on the symptoms you’re feeling when the words “aging sucks” slip out of your lips.

The Ayurvedic view on how each imbalance accumulates over time, and lifestyle considerations that exacerbate symptoms (because symptoms are NOT just about aging).

Herbal Recommendations: Discover herbs that go beyond just fixing symptoms; they help tonify your body so it keeps functioning on its own.

Easy-to-use symptom trackers and habit planners so you can see your results in real-time (and YES, if you follow them, you’ll see results in 7-days or less).

A 50-page, full color, easy to follow guide, and class with Carly at The Habit on all things women's hormones.

The next chapter of your life deserves to feel easy, not stressful. Let’s get you the handful of tools that will make the most difference, and make them your new normal ;)

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science:
This program combines the best of ancient Ayurvedic practices with the latest in health research. You’ll get practical, manageable steps that fit into your busy life, helping you achieve lasting results without feeling overwhelmed. No need to wade through a 400-page book of data—you'll find out what works through simple, effective actions.

How could you be feeling in just 7 days? It's worth your time to find out.
"I went from being a medicated, yelly mom zombie to the absolute best version of myself and to be the person I absolutely 100% want to be! This has changed the energy in my whole house."
Robyn Bernicot
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Special Offer
Add an Ayurvedic Guide to Fasting!
The easiest route to:

more energy

mental clarity

better sleep

stronger metabolism

healthier cravings

Customized to your unique body's needs
Add to cart$17.00

  • Total payment
  • 1x7-Day Hormone Reset$119

All prices in USD
